Falkland Islands

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Pictures from the Falkland Islands
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Pictures from the Falkland Islands
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Pictures from the Falkland Islands
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Pictures from the Falkland Islands
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Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Rest in the green
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Rest in the green
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Rest in the green
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Rest in the green
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Rest in the green
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Remains of an orca
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Well, Stanley
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Yes, it is like it looks, somewhat boring
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Yes, it is like it looks, somewhat boring
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Yes, it is like it looks, somewhat boring
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
Yes, it is like it looks, somewhat boring
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
City centre
Pictures from the Falkland Islands
local motto: "British to the core"

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